Some links for the day and some thoughts
Some links for the day and some thoughts
Today's thought: As I debug an buggy a recursive loop and got nowhere with it, I asked Github Co-pilot and ChatGPT. They got into a loop themselves recommending me solutions that didn't work repetitively. Ya AIs are dumb! Some news related to this site: I have
Here's a list of references: TDD vs. BDD: What’s the Difference? (Complete Comparison) - SemaphoreDiscover the key differences between TDD vs BDD, their workflows, tools, and best practices for developers.SemaphoreAntonello Zanini, Dan AckersonReference | CucumberGherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning toCucumberTutorial
During the time I was away from blogging, I have been moved from Indeed Flex to Indeed and have started working with Python more which is quite a significant change to be honest. I believe it came about as a result of my survey answer to the question that goes
Everything is F*cked - A book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် အပိုင်း၄ အပိုင်း၁၊ အပိုင်း၂ နဲ့ အပိုင်း ၃ မဖတ်ရသေးရင် ဖတ်လိုက်ဦးနော်။ Chapter 8 အမျိုးသမီးတွေ ဆေးလိပ်မသောက်သေးတဲ့ ခေတ်တစ်ခုရှိခဲ
Everything is F*cked - A book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် အပိုင်း၃ အပိုင်း၁ နဲ့ အပိုင်း၂ မဖတ်ရသေးရင် ဖတ်လိုက်ဦးနော်။ Chapter 7 သုသေသနတွေအများကြီးရှိခဲ့ဖူးပါတယ်။ လူတွေကို အပြာရောင် အစက််လေ
Everything is F*cked - A book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် အပိုင်း၂ အပိုင်း၁ မဖတ်ရသေးရင် ဖတ်လိုက်ဦးနော်။ Chapter 6 ကလေးတစ်ယောက်ဟာ မီးဖိုပေါ်က ဒယ်အိုးကို လက်နဲ့ မတော်တဆကိုင်ဘူးတယ်ဆိုပါ
Everything is f*ucked - a book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် Chapter 1 ဒုတိယကမ္ဘာစစ်တုန်းက Auschwitz လို့ ကြားလိုက်ရရင် လူ့ဘုံက ငရဲခန်းတစ်ခုလို့ မမြင်တဲ့ လူခက်ရှားရှားရယ်မဟုတ်လာ
I recently learned that there is a tool called puma-dev that allows you to develop locally with SSL enabled. Here is how to set it up. Visit external link 🔗
I have been using this tool to schedule meetings across different timezones. Just thought you would find it useful. Visit external link 🔗
I have been using this service called ImprovMX to receive emails directed at contact@mmhan.net in my Gmail inbox (now hey.com imbox). With free version you can receive all your custom domain's emails in the email address you selected. With a few extra steps, you can
Here is a dump of some of the interesting links that I have come across over the course of a year that I have not posted anything. learn-anything.xyz Search for something that you wanna learn and it gives you a list of all the links that you can refer