Some links for the day and some thoughts
Some links for the day and some thoughts
Today's thought: As I debug an buggy a recursive loop and got nowhere with it, I asked Github Co-pilot and ChatGPT. They got into a loop themselves recommending me solutions that didn't work repetitively. Ya AIs are dumb! Some news related to this site: I have
Here's a list of references: TDD vs. BDD: What’s the Difference? (Complete Comparison) - SemaphoreDiscover the key differences between TDD vs BDD, their workflows, tools, and best practices for developers.SemaphoreAntonello Zanini, Dan AckersonReference | CucumberGherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning toCucumberTutorial
During the time I was away from blogging, I have been moved from Indeed Flex to Indeed and have started working with Python more which is quite a significant change to be honest. I believe it came about as a result of my survey answer to the question that goes
Everything is F*cked - A book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် အပိုင်း၄ အပိုင်း၁၊ အပိုင်း၂ နဲ့ အပိုင်း ၃ မဖတ်ရသေးရင် ဖတ်လိုက်ဦးနော်။ Chapter 8 အမျိုးသမီးတွေ ဆေးလိပ်မသောက်သေးတဲ့ ခေတ်တစ်ခုရှိခဲ
Everything is F*cked - A book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် အပိုင်း၃ အပိုင်း၁ နဲ့ အပိုင်း၂ မဖတ်ရသေးရင် ဖတ်လိုက်ဦးနော်။ Chapter 7 သုသေသနတွေအများကြီးရှိခဲ့ဖူးပါတယ်။ လူတွေကို အပြာရောင် အစက််လေ
Everything is F*cked - A book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် အပိုင်း၂ အပိုင်း၁ မဖတ်ရသေးရင် ဖတ်လိုက်ဦးနော်။ Chapter 6 ကလေးတစ်ယောက်ဟာ မီးဖိုပေါ်က ဒယ်အိုးကို လက်နဲ့ မတော်တဆကိုင်ဘူးတယ်ဆိုပါ
Everything is f*ucked - a book about hope မကျဉ်းတကျဉ်းချုပ် Chapter 1 ဒုတိယကမ္ဘာစစ်တုန်းက Auschwitz လို့ ကြားလိုက်ရရင် လူ့ဘုံက ငရဲခန်းတစ်ခုလို့ မမြင်တဲ့ လူခက်ရှားရှားရယ်မဟုတ်လာ
I recently learned that there is a tool called puma-dev that allows you to develop locally with SSL enabled. Here is how to set it up. Visit external link 🔗
I have been using this tool to schedule meetings across different timezones. Just thought you would find it useful. Visit external link 🔗
I have been using this service called ImprovMX to receive emails directed at contact@mmhan.net in my Gmail inbox (now hey.com imbox). With free version you can receive all your custom domain's emails in the email address you selected. With a few extra steps, you can
Here is a dump of some of the interesting links that I have come across over the course of a year that I have not posted anything. learn-anything.xyz Search for something that you wanna learn and it gives you a list of all the links that you can refer
An educational read from HoneyBadger.io Blog speaking of the risk of losing all data in Redis as a result of FLUSHALL. Visit external link 🔗
A video featuring tech start-ups of Myanmar featuring Technomation, White Merak, NEX and CarsDB, of course! Visit external link 🔗
With the onslaught of too-much-information, attention grabbing headlines and unavoidable events that ends up in my circle of concerns, it reminded me to go back and re-read this article. Visit external link 🔗
Some helpful tips and tricks for a beginner like me in using tmux. Visit external link 🔗
Working in Myanmar, once in a while, you'd definitely run into the problem of your WIFI connection going astray and your SSH session getting frozen up. At these times, no matter how many times you press Ctrl-C it wouldn't end your SSH session, and you'
Helpful tips on figuring out some of the trickiest bugs in production for javascript applications. My Notes #1 Script Error: Unknown impact, infrequent There're times where error message contains nothing at all. That usually happens when you are loading cross-origin resources and something went wrong. When that happens:
Thoughtbot, the guys behind excellent gems such as factory_girl and paperclip has released an opinionated rails administration gem. It's worth checking out. Visit external link 🔗
Yesterday, I came across this article that discussed Facebook's code quality problem on Hacker News. It says that, Facebook is now throwing 429 people at their iOS app with 18,000 classes. With graphs showing more incidents on the production server when engineers are working on it, it&
What's meritocracy? Here's how they defined it in the dictionary. Meritocracy: Government or the holding of power by people selected according to merit. That sound pretty good in days like these when you consider the alternative of state-wide socialism. That is until you take into account
Must read! Visit external link 🔗
Quiet: The power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking By Sunsan Cains အကျဉ်း မင်းတို့ငါတို့သိသမျှလူတွေရဲ့ သုံးပုံတစ်ပုံဟာ introvert တွေဖြစ်သတဲ့။ စကားပြောနေရတာထက် ပိုနားထောင်ချင်တယ်
Rails framework ဟာ 1.day.from_now လိုမျိုး idiom တွေကို အများကြီးထည့်ပေးထားတဲ့အတွက် ပုံမှန် rails သုံးတော့မှ ruby ကို စပြီးရေးဖြစ်တဲ့ ကျွန်တော့်လိုလူမျိုး အကြိုက်တွေ့ရသလို၊ purist တွေက အပြောအဆိုတွ