BDD with Python

BDD with Python

Here's a list of references:

TDD vs. BDD: What’s the Difference? (Complete Comparison) - Semaphore
Discover the key differences between TDD vs BDD, their workflows, tools, and best practices for developers.

Get a refresher on TDD vs BDD

Reference | Cucumber
Gherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning to

Learn enough gherkin to be dangerous

Tutorial - behave 1.2.7.dev7 documentation

Get yourself acquainted with behave

GitHub - jadm11/LLM-iterative-completion-deepeval-test: A project demonstrating Iterative Completion Testing for LLMs using DeepEval for managing evaluations and SentenceTransformer for semantic similarity checks.
A project demonstrating Iterative Completion Testing for LLMs using DeepEval for managing evaluations and SentenceTransformer for semantic similarity checks. - jadm11/LLM-iterative-completion-deepe…

Bonus: Example on how to do LLM deep evals using gherkin scenarios

behave-django — behave-django 1.5.0 documentation

Bonus: Run behave with Django
